
20 m From Chair Lifts!

1/2 an Acre only 20m away from Beli Iskar Chair lift! Our closest offer to lifts!
This is the closest plot available for sale to the new proposed Beli Iskar 4 chair lifts. Therefore, it need to be snapped up straight away. The potential and value for money on offer here is huge! For an equivalent in the Alps, the prices there would be prohibitive.

Plot size is a good 1800 m² and could host a multiple unit development. Because of its proximity to the ski lift, anything built on here would be highly desirable to rent out and sell.

Plot is currently not in regulation but it is on the boundary with the current regulation area. The main Beli Iskar-Borovets road is only 30m away so regulation shouldn't be much of a problem to obtain. All mains area nearby since plot neighbours a house and is next to Beli Iskar.

Location and Local Attractions

Located only 20 m away from the proposed chair lifts in Beli Iskar, this is a very rare quality plot that any shrewd investor should snap up. Our team of property finders haven't managed to find anything this close to the proposed ski lifts and we are the only specialists in this prime area. So. immediately this plot has rarity value.

20m away is the Beli Iskar Medical centre and plot is currently accessed by an unofficial road. The main Borovets-Beli Iskar road is only 30m away and plot borders the current Beli Iskar housing zone. Therefore, regulation shouldn't be much of a problem to obtain.

All in all, this is a quality plot that is very under priced. You would pay more for a terrace in a mediocre suburb than you would for this prime piece of land in one of Bulgaria's hottest property areas. This area is set to boom very shortly so don't get caught and buy now. The property market in the UK is looking shaky and the best thing you could do is to purchase something in this area where capital growth is around 30%.

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Прочети цялата информация

Характеристики на имота

Реф. номер: MV219
Тип на имота: Парцел
Площ: 1800 м2
Комисион: Без комисион


Характеристики на региона

Направи запитване

"*" полетата са задължителни
Изберете каква маркетингова информация желаете да ви предоставим:
€ 81000 Площ: 1800 м2 (45 €/м2) % Без комисион

За повече

Реф. номер: MV219 При обаждане, моля посочете референтния номер на имота. +359 885 250496 +359 722 66731
Красимир Фунтаров Управител и старши брокер офис Самоков
+359 885 250496
бул. Искър №117, гр. Самоков
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