Ibar Golf Plot offer!
Near Golf Course perimeter!
At just 10 Euros per m², this plot does offer excellent value for money. Overlooking the Ibar development and close to the Lakeland Golf Village, this plot could be an ideal development option. The area is experiencing a lot of investment interest and is tipped to be one of the best areas to purchase property in. Not only is near to the new Ibar Golf course, it is a 25 minute drive from Borovets.
Plot measures 3 332 m² in size and it outside the golf course perimetre (although quite close). It does border a secondary road which help chances of regulation in future. Mains are estimated to be around 1.5kms away.
Location and Local Attractions
Around 7 plot distances from the perimetre of the golf course, this plot benefits from having spectacular views over the Rila mountain range and across the golf course itself. The Dolna Banya region is famous for it geothermal natural spas and springs and with Borovets just down the road, it is an ideal four seasonal getaway home.
Sofia is around 1 hour away by main road, the Dolna Banya flying school is 1.5 kms away (you can hire a plane for under 90 GBP an hour with pilot!), Dolna Banya centre is 4kms away and Borovets is 23kms away.
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