

Land in Borovets! 1/3rd of an Acre only 300-400m from 2 Ski Lifts!
This well located Borovets plot has the possibility of being split up into smaller plots to be sold off or to be developed. As mentioned just above, the great plus point of this plot is the fact that it is only 300-400m from both of Beli Iskar's 4-chair lifts! Plots are getting harder to find in Beli Iskar now as the locals realise the value of what they own, so great opportunities such as this one shouldn't be missed.

Plot is a large 1300 m² in size and is accessed through an official secondary road. Although currently not in regulation, the boundary is only 150m away. All mains connection points are nearby as regulation boundary is only 150m away.

There is direct access to the main Borovets-Beli Iskar road from the plot (via the secondary road).

Property in Borovets is becoming increasingly popular!

Location and Local Attractions

In a beatiful location just on the edge of Beli Iskar village, the mountain views are great. In fact, there is an unspoilt view to wards the famous Eagle's Rock.

The plot is actually located on the secondary road which leads directly to a historic chapel. This chapel has a very nice history to it which says that it was built by an old man for his daughter who was very sick. The chapel is now an interesting focal point, popular with tourists.

The area plot is in already has a number of quality villas in it- a sign of where this village is going.

Borovets is only 6 minutes away by main road, Samokov 8kms away and the capital city of Sofia is 68kms away.

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Прочети цялата информация

Характеристики на имота

Реф. номер: MV220
Тип на имота: Парцел
Площ: 1300 м2
Комисион: Без комисион


Характеристики на региона

Направи запитване

"*" полетата са задължителни
Изберете каква маркетингова информация желаете да ви предоставим:
€ 58500 Площ: 1300 м2 (45 €/м2) % Без комисион

За повече

Реф. номер: MV220 При обаждане, моля посочете референтния номер на имота. +359 885 250496 +359 722 66731
Красимир Фунтаров Управител и старши брокер офис Самоков
+359 885 250496
бул. Искър №117, гр. Самоков
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