Nearly half an acre regulated plot in Dospei!
Plots in this village are highly sought after and hard to come by, however; we are pleased to offer this well located plot at the Southern end of Dospei village. With a few off-plan developments happening in the village, facilities are improving and buying interest has increased.
Plot is a substantial 1 880 m² in size and is regulated already. It does have the potential to be used for a multiple unit development or split into smaller plots. Mains water and electricity are located nearby as the property is situated in a residential area.
Location and Local Attractions
Located around 300m from village centre, Dospei village does have the basic amenities which are being improved with the arrival of off-plan developments. A main attraction of Dospei is that it is just 5 kms away from Samokov which is included in the new Super Borovets project making the village popular with skiers and investors alike. When the 300-400 million Euro project is completed, home owners here will have even easier access to new ski facilities.
Borovets is currently 15 kms away and a few kilometers away is an archaeological site which has unearthed the remains of a medieval castle. Sofia is just 65 kms away by new main road.
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